New Improved Website!


I want to welcome you to the latest version of my website. Please take a look at the different galleries. The “Paintings” tab includes three different galleries.

I am excited to have something that is easily updated and more interactive than the previous version of website.

I am currently waiting to hear about inclusion in a veteran themed art exhibit at the Pentagon. I will keep an update on this as it develops. According the the curators at the Veteran Artist Program: “This year-long exhibit will grace the halls of the Pentagon where over 25,000 people work daily and thousands visit over the course of the year. Not only is this a great opportunity to showcase the amazing work of veteran artists but to continue to show how veterans lead the way in redefining the arts in America.”

Here is a link to an article about the exhibit.

Also, in Fall of 2013, I will have an exhibit of paintings at The Gretchen Shuette Art Gallery on the campus of Chemeketa Community College. The show will in some sense be a retrospective as it will feature a wide variety of paintings, some featured on this website and some not.

I appreciate you having a look at the art work here, and I welcome any comments or feedback!

Kind regards,
